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Nikki Pistorius_edited.jpg

I started ballet at the young age of 6 years old and achieved the Advanced 1 dancers exam in the Checchetti form. In 2009, I stopped ballet due to overlapping practice times and I found my passion in other styles of dance.


In December 2003, I started Ballroom and Latin dancing in a style called Pro-am, which is a teacher dancing with a student. In 2010, I started teaching at the studio part time 3-4 days a week in the evenings up until December 2015, after which I left the studio to pursue some other options. 

In January 2016, I started competitive Ballroom and Latin with Edwin De Waal Dance Studio. 

I have competed in competitions locally, nationally and internationally.

In 2009, I joined Daphne Jubber Studio of Dance to do Hip Hop classes and in 2013, I started the modern dance classes. I have danced on the Artscape Stage for WPDTA Showcase of Dance, with fellow dancers of Daphne Jubber studio of Dance, and have been part of the choreography team the last couple of years.

I have been helping Daphne with teaching classes once a week, when she is not available or away, as well as choreographing pieces for her studio shows each year. 

In 2015, I received my Hip Hop Associate Qualification with SABOD (South African Body of Dance). 

In 2018, I received my Modern Associate Qualification with SABOD (South African Body of Dance).


Dancing has always been something that I look forward to at the end of the day. I dance for the love it, for the freedom and because sometimes I just need to (and ‘have to’ for myself). Dance has always been my “go to” in times to relax and just focus on myself.

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